
Export from devonthink pro into yojimbo
Export from devonthink pro into yojimbo

export from devonthink pro into yojimbo

Or, use Tinderbox’s Watch feature to watch a folder in DEVONthink and the name, URL and other metadata will be grabbed. Or, drag notes from DEVONthink to Tinderbox and the name, URL and other metadata will come along. Or, the easiest thing to do is to select records (e.g., documents) in your DEVONthink database and use their Create Table of Contents command from the contextual menu, and import that TOC into Tinderbox. "Kind" kind of database record - PDF, RTF, etc. “Name” name of the document in the DEVONthink database

export from devonthink pro into yojimbo

This script is an extensive modification of a built-in script provided by DEVONtechnologies, and exports the following metadata for selection of DEVONthink records into a tab-separated file (.tsv) that you can drag into a Tinderbox document where a set of notes is created – one for every DEVONthink record in the selection. Script to Export Certain DEVONthink Metadata in a TSV for Tinderbox Import Inter-app workflows How it’ll work with the next version of DEVONthink, I couldn’t say It’s unfortunate that it doesn’t look in the tag, as this means that note $Name won’t contribute to a positive search result – only $Text.


So for example, a section of the Tinderbox XML might look like: movie

export from devonthink pro into yojimbo

It appears to only search the contents of tags, which is close to what we want. As of today (DEVONthink 2.10), DT can search Tinderbox files somewhat effectively. This has always been inconsistent for me, it seems like it changes from version to version. I’m not sure how well DEVONthink Pro can read and search within Tinderbox files… So if you rename or move the file on disk, DEVONthink loses the reference. Indexing is more fragile than importing though, because indexing is based entirely on system path. I do this if I want to use git or dropbox for version control. It’s amazing, and every application should have that functionality. Throw something in DEVONthink, sync it to DTTG, paste the item URL anywhere… I can always find the record. If something is imported into DT, then that link will always find the record even if I’ve renamed it or moved it. The x-devonthink-item:// URLs are amazing. I like to store everything in DEVONthink if I can. Specifically, does anyone save and store Tinderbox files in DEVONthink Pro?

Export from devonthink pro into yojimbo